Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Amren, Redraft 4

It's been almost 10 weeks since I mailed Amren to an editor. Haven't heard a peep. That's to be expected.

And so it's on to redraft #4! The process of writing book two and planning both two and three have done tremendous things to point out the issues in book one (I suppose, technically, I should still be calling these lengthy documents "manuscripts"), and since the current incarnation hasn't gotten a response, it's time to make it better. My list of areas up for axing isn't long, but it seems that every bullet point represents weeks of work, so I'll be prioritizing and handling one at a time lest I get lost in the deluge of sub-par text.

In the event I get a much anticipated but unexpected e-mail from an editor, I guess I'll have to ask him which variation of the story he wants...

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