Sunday, April 4, 2010


From what I've heard of the speculative fiction conferences in Minnesota, Minicon is the most literary. I attended Minicon this Easter weekend.

Among the panels for discussion (many of which were very worthwhile, covering topics such as editing and the publication process) was a "pitching and catching" session. It was American Idol for writers. An editor from a [very] large publishing house was at the judge, and anyone who wanted to pitch their book or story idea was welcome to do so, provided they didn't exceed the 3 minute time limit.

They ran out of time. I didn't get to go.

I was crushed. What an opportunity for aspiring writers! ...and I just couldn't raise my hand fast enough.

A friend of mine, a member of my writer's group, looked me in the eye and said, "we're going to corner him [the editor] tomorrow and you're going to pitch your story, even if I have to taser him to keep him from running away!" Thank you, Sam.

We cornered him in a mostly empty conference room the next day, and he went along with the pitch idea without the need for hostilities. His reaction was favorable. He asked several questions to clarify story/world construction, inquired whether I had an agent, and then asked me to send him the entire manuscript.

I think my response was in sentence format. I might have just been babbling.

Hermitage, thou art not devoid of reward. I will embrace thee once more and endeavor to fix various errors within my story before I make my submission. May the editor's inbox be empty when my document arrives.

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