Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Note on Typogrpahical Errors Found Herein

This is a blog about words and writing. It will therefore be free of typographical errors in every sense. There will be no misspellings, incorrect word choices or placements, no syntax transgressions, and no doubled spaces when not preceded by a period.

However, it should also be noted that I cling to the principle that when creating art, rules and structure must be followed unless there is a reason to break the rules. Henceforth, all questionable formatting found upon this blog can be attributed to my sense of art. I find rules are usually made to be broken.

1 comment:

  1. You crack me up, Ethan. Congrats on the blog, and on Amren. I'm secretly EXTREMELY disappointed that I'm not one of the four. EXTREMELY. But secretly.
